Sambo. Judo. DVD-Filme aus Russland.

Kommerzielle Angebote (und Diskussionen) von Judoartikeln
Gelb - Orange Gurt Träger
Gelb - Orange Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 05.05.2015, 12:03

Children Judo lessons. Technique of retaking a hold.

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Bild ... 1558.l2649 ... Technique. ... C0HUQygvow

Kallista Film.

Children Judo lessons.

Learning Judo technique with a hold.

Technique of retaking a hold.
Kallista Film offers a new educational film about children Judo. Methods of teaching offered by the author, is designed for any age and level of knowledge of children and adults. The film covers the following topics: how to teach children to take a hold, how to teach children to move during the hold, how to teach children to change a hold depending of the opponent's actions. For example, a few throws shows how to learn and perform judo technique. The film shows the children training of dynamic break balance and also a range of preparatory actions in the holds. This technique is the base platform for training a large number of technical actions of judo. As a good example is taken a shoulder throw (ippon-seoi-nage) and interception of a kimono lapel. As examples are shown another nine techniques of judo. The film is a methodical manual on training judo techniques. The proposed methodology is simple enough to use and is available for any coach and fan. The film is designed for a wide range of specialists, as well as children and their parents.

Author of the film - Pavlov Dmitry
Standard PAL DVD.
Region Code DVD: 0/All
Duration 51 min.
PAL 16:9
Studio «KALLISTA» 2016

Gelb - Orange Gurt Träger
Gelb - Orange Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 05.05.2015, 12:03

Judo.Ysuhiko MORIWAKI 8DAN.Stars of the Japanese judo The international seminar.

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Judo.Ysuhiko MORIWAKI 8DAN.Stars of the Japanese judo The international seminar.

Chapter 1. Kosoto-gake.
This is an interesting embodiment of the throw. Moriwaki is excellent demonstrator. At the same time with this method Moriwaki has shown how to perform the Kouchi-gari technique. In explanation, he drew attention to the movements of the legs, body rotation, the preliminary and final grab.

Chapter 2 Ippon-seoi-nage.
Moriwaki has shown some of his embodiments of this technique. In explanation, he drew attention to the movements of the legs, body rotation, the preliminary and final capture.

Chapter 3. The fight for grab.
This is a very important theme of Judo. About this side of the fight much has been said, but a little is shown. Moriwaki explained in detail this theme.
He showed:
how to fight against the main opponent‘s hand;
how to hold the opponent's attack;
in what place to block the main opponent's hand;
where and how to grab a kimono;
how to break free of the other grabs.
This film is intended primarily for coaches and athletes who have a good level of competitive training.
Product Features

Standard PAL DVD.
Region Code DVD: 0/All
Production Kallista Film. Russia.
Release year 2009
Direction Seminar on judo.
Delivery Russian mail anywhere in the world.
Payment PayPal.
Duration 60min.
Filming location Russia. Moscow.
Language Japanese.
Author D.Pavlov.

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Registriert: 14.11.2003, 11:06

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Gelb - Orange Gurt Träger
Gelb - Orange Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 05.05.2015, 12:03

HIROSHI KATANISHI. Judo seminar 2016. NE WAZA.

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Judo technique. H.Katanishi. Belgium 2016 year.

Hiroshi Katanishi is an expert of the European Judo Federation. Specialist of the highest class. Conducts seminars around the world in the framework of the project"Improve your club". Winner of the 8th dan. This is the most sought-after expert compared to 20 other specialists working on this project. It is easier to name the countries where he has not been yet than to list his seminars. It should be noted that the judo technique, which he demonstrates at the seminar, is completely based on the Japanese school of education. Date of birth March 11, 1952.
Judo technique, which Katanishi analyzed at the seminar.
Kansetsu-waza. Osaekomi-waza. Shime-waza.

Direction: Judo lesson
Time: 61 min./1DVD
Author: Pavlov D.
Language: French.
Fomat of video: PAL (DVD: 0/All)
Year: 2016
Shooting: Belgium
Gelb - Orange Gurt Träger
Gelb - Orange Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 05.05.2015, 12:03

Judo. Kashivazaki seminar. Equipment and technique of the Japanese judo. 5 DVDS

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Technician of the Japanese judo Katsukhiko Kashivazaki.

In 2009, Katsuhiko Kashivazaki conducted a judo seminar for coaches in the city of St. Petersburg. This collection contains all 5 films. Conducting a seminar, Kashivazaki touched upon three main topics: the ground fighting technique (newaza), the fight for grappling technique (kumikata), and the other techniques conducted mainly by the legs (ashi-waza). Kashivazaki is a great specialist in the technique of ground fighting. Therefore, 3 films are devoted to ground fighting and two films are devoted to judo techniques and the struggle for capture. Kashivazaki showed a lot and explained each judo technique. He always returned to the topic of children's judo. Showed exercises for teaching children. The seminar will be useful primarily for coaches working with children and teenagers, as well as for experienced athletes.
Judo world champion Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki. Japanese methods of ground fighting. Film 1.

Before you the first part of the film. The main theme of the first film is the technique and technique of performing osaekomi reception. The following options are dealt with in the film: Yoko-shiho-gatame, kami-shiho-gatame, head-tate-shiho-gatame, hon-kesa-gatame (hold on the side), kuzure- kesa-gatame (hold on the side with a grip from under the arm). In all varieties of osaekomi, he showed how to properly hold hands grips, how to put his feet, how to arrange a trunk. Kashiwazaki showed basic exercises for teaching children osaekomi techniques. The film will be useful for all lovers of judo. For young athletes, for experienced wrestlers, for professionals and coaches.

Type: Judo seminar
Duration: 60 min./1DVD
Author: Pavlov D.
Language: Russian. Japanese
Standard: PAL (DVD: 0/All)
Year: 2017
Location: Russia
Judo. K. Kashivazaki. The Japanese technique of fight lying. Movie 2.

Before you the second part of a seminar. Kashivazaki has found time for various details which help to strengthen reception performance.He has shown exercises for training of children in fight lying and has answered questions of participants of a seminar. The movie will be useful to all fans of judo. For young athletes, for skilled fighters, for experts and trainers. Katsukhiko Kashivazaki was born on September 16, 1951 the Japanese judoist. The silver prize-winner of the World Cups in 1975 and the world champion in 1981. I have begun to do judo with the 5th class. After the termination of the Tokaj university Tokai began to be engaged at Ibaraki Prefectural Taga school and the University. I have finished sports career in 1982. I worked as the national trainer in England, Canada, Germany and other countries. Since 2009 he trains judo at the International university Budo in Japan. I have written the book Fighting Judo with Terence Donovan published in 1986 by the Pelham magazine. Is the author of other books on judo and several methodical DVDs of movies. The excellent specialist in technology of fight lying. The best expert in Japan in tomoe-nage throw equipment (a throw through the head).

Type: Judo seminar
Duration: 60 min./1DVD
Author: Pavlov D.
Language: Russian. Japanese
Standard: PAL (DVD: 0/All)
Year: 2017
Location: Russia
Judo. K. Kashivazaki. Technology of fight by legs. ASHI-WAZA. Movie 3.

Here is the third part of the seminar. In the third film, the main theme is the techniques, conducted mainly by the legs. In Japanese terminology, this is the section ashi-waza. Explaining the footwork technique for different throws, Kashivazaki always reiterated that footwork increases the chance of dealing with a strong opponent. It is necessary to start teaching children from the section ashi-waza. Much attention in the film is given to the foot sweeps section, as well as the technique of ko-soto-gari. Kashivazaki gave this explanation for taking ko-soto-gari. According to statistics of competitions held in Japan, ko-soto-gari action is used most often. In the course of the seminar, Kashivazaki constantly addressed the topic of how to teach children these techniques, what exercises to give. The film will be useful for coaches working with children, for athletes studying techniques from the foot sweep section.

Type: Judo seminar
Duration: 64 min./1DVD
Language: Pavlov D.
Язык: Russian. English subtitlings
Standard: PAL (DVD: 0/All)
Year: 2019
Location: Russia
Judo. Technique of struggle for grip. KATSUCHIKO KASHIWAZAKI. Mvie 4.

This is the fourth part of the seminar. In the fourth film, the main theme is the struggle for grip. In Japanese terminology, this is the Kumi Kata section. In this film you will see how to get rid of the capture of an opponent, how to intercept the capture from the enemy, which capture is not worth taking. Kashivazaki will show some tricks for capturing and explain how to choose it. In the course of the seminar, he constantly addressed the topic of how to teach children to take grips, what exercises to give. The film will be useful for coaches working with children, for athletes studying the section gripping in judo.

Type: Judo seminar
Duration: 52 min./1DVD
Language: Pavlov D.
Язык: Russian. English subtitlings
Standard: PAL (DVD: 0/All)
Year: 2019
Location: Russia
Judo. K. Kashivazaki. Technology of fight lying. NE-WAZA. Movie 5.

This is the fifth part of the seminar. The seminar ends with this film. The main theme of this part is the ground fighting technique. In Japanese terminology, this is newaza. You will see several roll overs in ground fighting. Kashivazaki will explain and show from which positions the sankaku roll over is performed. At the end of the film, Kashivazaki talks about how he began to train, what difficulties he faced, how he managed to enter the world stage, how he had to change his personal technique as a result of several injuries. The film will be useful for coaches working with children, for athletes and amateurs studying judo.

Type: Judo seminar
Duration: 52 min./1DVD
Author: Pavlov D.
Language: Russian. English subtitlings
Standard: PAL (DVD: 0/All)
Year: 2019
Location: Russia
Gelb - Orange Gurt Träger
Gelb - Orange Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 05.05.2015, 12:03

Judo. Techniques. Training. Tactics. Collection 27 DVD. 1663 min.

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DVD-1. Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki 8 DAN.
Judo. Techniques. Training. Tactics. Collection 27 DVD. 1663 min.

Chapter 1-TOMOE-NAGE. In the film Kashiwazaki has shown six variants of tomoe-nage throw, has shown methodical exercises, as well as several preparatory exercises. A separate part is a combination of action for the throw: tomoenage-sasaetsurikomiashi, tomoenage-uchimata, tomoenage-Udehishigijujigatame.

Chapter 2-Hikikomi-gaeshi.

Chapter 3-OUCHI-GARI. This is a personal version of Kashiwazaki. Unusual for a traditional judo. Performing throw he uses every part of the body including the head.


One of the best coaches in Japan. In the film he talks about the osoto-gari, ouchi-gari, tai-otoshi throw


Chapter 1. Kosoto-gake.

Chapter 2 Ippon-seoi-nage.
Chapter 3. Fighting for grip.

A very important subject judo. About this side of the struggle a lot of talk, but little show. Moriwaki analyzed in detail this subject. This film is designed primarily for coaches and athletes who have a good level of competitive training. Keep in mind that Yasuhiko Moriwaki demonstrates the Japanese judo school.


Perhaps he is the most famous modern judo wrestler. The crown techniques: Uchi-mata, Ouchi-gari, Osoto-gari. Better than anyone (and more than anyone on statistics) in the world applied shimi-waza. From 1977 to 1985 takes the 1st place in the Championship in Japan in the weight category +95 kg. 1979/1981/1983's World Champion in the weight category +95 kg. In 1981 became the world champion in the absolute category. From 1977 to 1985 ranks first in the absolute category at the Championship of Japan. In 1981 he became the Olympic champion in Los Angeles. Although he was preparing for the Moscow Olympics in 1980. Took part in 599 competitions held 528 fights, 15 of them graduated from a draw 16 lost. In Japan did not suffer a single defeat. From 1977 to 1985 he held a series of 203 victorious fights. After completing his sports career became national coach.

Chapter 1-OSOTO-GARI. One of the favorite Yamashita’s throws. In the film Yamashita shows this throw clearly, from different positions. Separate theme - uchikomi for osoto-gari. All Showing in motion and at a high pace. As an example, selected good moments from the competition. Yamashita showed combinations for this throw: OSOTOGARI-SASAETSURICOMIASHI. OSOTOGARI-OUCHIGARI

Chapter 2 - USHI-MATA. A detailed analysis of all technical situations. Besides he showed some important points for uchi-mata. Uchikomi and exercises to practice the throw. Combinations of this throw: OUCHIGARI-UCHIMATA.

Chapter 3 - SHIMI-WAZA. In the foreword to the detailed explanation Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki said that according to statistics Yamashita is most in the world won this technique. To study this technique there is no more understandable explanation. Everything is in series and available for home viewing and studying in the gym.

DVD-5. Shozo FUJII 8DAN.

FUJII has interesting way of fighting that probably helped him become a four time world champion. In the film, he showed a technique to throws Seoi-nage and Kouchi-gar i, as well as several combinations with throws tomoe-nage and tai-otoshi. It should be noted that the performance of these throws is differs from other masters of judo. This film is designed primarily for coaches and athletes who have a good level of competitive training. Fuji’s fight needs to study carefully and long. One or two viewing only give an overall picture.

DVD-6. Kiyoto Katsuki 8DAN.

Chapter 1 SEOI-NAGE. The way Katzuki offers to do throw seoinage in Russia is considered wrong and in this version is not taught. The whole chapter is devoted to a detailed explanation and display of this option. If you look very closely, it becomes apparent that this variant of performance is very effective. Katzuki slowly shows in detail each part of throw. To study throws seoi-nage, this demonstration in Katzuki’s explanations is very affordable and clear. If, for example, to see performance seoi-nage throw from another Japanese master Hiroshi Katanishi, there a completely different way of performing and teaching. If you work a coach, you need to explore this option it is a school Japanese judo. In 1979 Kiet Katsuki became the world champion.

Chapter 2 KOSOTO-GARI.This is another side of judo. Kazuki shows in detail the situation where performance of this throw is possible and it is quite interesting.

Product Features

Standard PAL DVD.
Region Code DVD: 0/All
Production Kallista Film. Russia.
Release year 2008
Direction Judo technique.
Delivery Russian mail anywhere in the world.
Duration 6DVD-360min.
Filming location Japan.
Delivery time 2-3 weeks.
Postal expenses Free of charge.
Language Japanese
Author Kashiwazaki. Pavlov.Kawahara. Moriwaki. Yamashita. Fujii. Katsuki.

Compilation is based on seminar held in Canada in 2011.

Film 1. Exercises to technique Nage Waza - seoin-age, ippon-seoi-nage, kouchi-gari 65 min.

Film 2 . Exercises to technique Nage Waza –sasae-tsurikomi-ashi, ouchi-gari,deashi-harai, okuri-ashi-harai 48 min.

Film 3. Exercises to technique Nage Waza – uchi-mata 50 min.

Film 4. Basics of ground fighting. Ne Waza. Movement. Changing positions of attack and defense Roll overs. 58 minutes.

In the seminar Katanishi examined the following topics:

throwing techniques; preparation of throw

movement of the athlete; grip.

The main focus of the seminar is how to teach the technique of judo.

This is seen not only from the demonstration throws
(Katanishi perfectly fulfills throws), but also at the show, support assignments, exercises with a belt.

Also keep in mind that it is a Japanese method of teaching judo.

The film will be useful for all: who loves judo, who is engaged in judo, teaching and studying judo.

Product Features

Standard PAL DVD.
Region Code DVD: 0/All
Production Kallista Film. Russia.
Release year 2012
Direction Seminar on judo.
Delivery Russian mail anywhere in the world.
Payment PayPal.
Duration 4DVD - 221 min.
Filming location Canada.
Delivery time 2-3 weeks.
Postal expenses Free of charge.
Language French.
Product Code J.006
Author H. Katanishi. D/Pavlov.

This collection contains 12 DVDs about judo. Total duration of 750 minutes. This collection contains the following movies:

Children's judo lessons in Japan.

Judo for coach - Judo in Japan. Movie 1. Training. Methods. Technique.

Judo for coach - Judo in Japan. Movie 2. Hirotako Okado.

Judo for coach - Judo in Japan. Movie 3. Koji Komata.

Judo - Olympic «IPPON».Sydney 2000.Movie 1.

Judo - Olympic «IPPON». Sydney 2000. Movie 2.

XI Moscow international judo tournament «Super-A».

My Judo - Ippon Super A.

Judo for coach.Technique of ground fighting. From Vladimir Elchaninova.NE WAZA.

Judo for coach.Vladimir Elchaninov.Technique of throwing in position.NAGE WAZA.

Judo for coach.Technique of fighting in position. From Alexander Jatskevich.NAGE WAZA.

Judo for coach.Technique of ground fighting.From Alexander Jatskevich.NE WAZA.

Product Features

Standard PAL DVD.
Region Code DVD: 0/All
Production Kallista Film. Russia.
Release year 2004-2013
Delivery Russian mail anywhere in the world.
Payment PayPal.
Duration 12DVD - 750 min.
Filming location Russia.
Delivery time 2-3 weeks.
Postal expenses Free of charge.
Language Russian.

Kallista film offers a collection of 6 educational films. The main theme of the collection is how to perform tricks, how to learn them, how to train yourself, how to train children and how the children are being trained in Japan. All films are made to help coaches and athletes, as well as for all fans of judo. The two films are dedicated to UCHI MATA trick. These films cover the following topics: Exercises for independent assignments. Exercise with a partner. Exercises three together. Exercise «uchicomi. Exercises with rubber expanders. Exercises with gymnastic mat. Exercises for leg strength. Exercises for children. Exercises for МАХОВОЙ foot. More than 54 options for the combination of actions. Two films devoted to children's judo, where you can see the options for the education of children. One film is dedicated to TAI OTOSHI technique, which examines the phased training of this throw. The last movie is dedicated to training with a rubber expanders. Here you will see 60 different exercises with expanders for judo. This collection is intended to athletes of all ages, coaches and fans of judo. You can buy these movies each one separately.

Product Features

Standard PAL DVD.
Region Code DVD: 0/All
Production Kallista Film. Russia.
Release year 2012-2014
Direction Exercises for Judo.
Delivery Russian mail anywhere in the world.
Duration 6DVD - 332 min.
Filming location Russia.
Delivery time 2-3 weeks.
Postal expenses Free of charge.
Language Russian.
Author Pavlov D.
Gelb - Orange Gurt Träger
Gelb - Orange Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 05.05.2015, 12:03

Judo lessons.Training with the rubber chest expander.Сollection 6DVD (Disc only)

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Collection of movies about judo.

Judo lessons.

Here is a collection of two films on important and interesting topic: Training with rubber expanders. The first film was made in the form of lessons and is divided into 8 parts. Topics include:

• Lesson 1. How to take the "expander". First assignment. Initial mistakes.

• Lesson 2. Exercises to the seoi-nage and tai-otoshi methods.

• Lesson 3. Exercises to the tomoe-nage, sasae-tsurikomi-ashi,kouchi-gari.

• Lesson 4. Exercises with expanders in one hand.

• Lesson 5. Exercises to the seoi-otoshi, kata-guruma, soto-makikomi.

• Lesson 6. Dress Up the expander to a partner.

• Lesson 7. Dress Up the expander itself.

• Lesson 8. Working with "expanders" in the movement.

Besides the above techniques in the film you will see the exercises to tai-otoshi, osoto-gari, ippon-seoi-nage, ura-nage, o-goshi, kosoto-gake. Total 60 exercises, on which you can create new tasks. The main theme of the film is to show the possibilities and variety of exercises with expanders. In the film, you can find tips for the initial training with the "expanders". You can find exercises for one, two or more sportsmen.

The second film is about training in different parts of the world. You'll see how athletes and coaches around the world use "expander" in training. For example in Japan, England, Portugal, Italy, Russia.

Product Features

Standard PAL DVD.
Region Code DVD: 0/All
Production Kallista Film. Russia.
Release year 2012
Direction Exercises for Judo.
Delivery Russian mail anywhere in the world.
Payment PayPal.
Duration 2DVD - 91 min.
Filming location Russia.
Delivery time 2-3 weeks.
Postal expenses Free of charge.
Language Russian.
Author Pavlov D.

Seminar on ground fighting - NE WAZA.

The film of the honored Russian coach of Judo Vladimir Yelchaninov was created in Italy in 1997. The film was restored from the Yelchaninov’s archive record. Tactics in ground fighting (ne-waza). The film was shot for coaches and athletes. Yelchaninov‘s technique is closer to the Russian school. It is a technique of years of work and most importantly, easy to apply in a competitive fight. All technical actions are strictly personal and not repeated in other films.

Product Features

Standard PAL DVD.
Region Code DVD: 0/All
Production Kallista Film. Russia.
Release year 2005.
Direction Seminar on judo.
Payment PayPal.
Duration 60 min.
Filming location Russia.
Language Russian. Italian
Author Pavlov D.V.Elchaninov

Judo for coach.Vladimir Elchaninov.Technique of throwing in position.NAGE WAZA.

Seminar on fighting techniques in standing position NAGE - WAZA.

The film of the honored Russian coach of Judo Vladimir Yelchaninov was created in Italy in 1997. The film was restored from the Yelchaninov’s archive record. Principles of Learning grips; capture options; standing positions; tactical preparation of throw; variants of throws.

Judo technique of Yelchaninov’s demonstration is really unusual and interesting at the same time, but most importantly it is practical. Evidence of that is his pupil Boqiev Rasul (Tajikistan). In 2008 he becomes 3rd World Champion and 3rd winner of Olympic Games in Beijing, and in 2009 won the championship of Russia. Here you will see a totally different world-class judo.

Product Features

Standard PAL DVD.
Region Code DVD: 0/All
Production Kallista Film. Russia.
Release year 2005.
Direction Seminar on judo.
Delivery Russian mail anywhere in the world.
Payment PayPal.
Duration 60 min.
Filming location Russia.
Language Russian.
Author Pavlov D.V.Elchaninov

Judo for coach. Technique of ground fighting. From Alexander Jatskevich.NE WAZA.

Seminar on technique - NE WAZA (Moscow 2002).

1 - Kansetsu-waza (attacking actions protection actions);

2 - fall overs of athlete;

3 - Shime-waza (actions of attack and defense).

Educational material is illustrated by fragments of fights of European Championship in 2002 and the World Cup 1995.

Three time European champion, Olympic bronze medalist in 1980 (Moscow). Captain of the USSR in 1980 in judo. Honored Master of Sports. He worked as the head coach of of Belgium. Holds the title of the best coach_of European Judo in 2004, as well as the best coach of Belgium in all sports (after the Olympic Games in Atlanta.) Versatile man - leads training in Flemish, French, English, Estonian and Russian. Hardworking and purposeful. A good example is His sports biography. In 1970 he came for the first time to gym and in 1980 performed at the Olympic Games in Moscow. At that time to win in the USSR was akin to athletic feat.

The film was shot for coaches. Ways and methods of Yatskevich’s teaching will become apparent to all athletes. On this film you can hold training sessions at the sports club or sports camp. The film is presenting only A. Yatskevich’s personal technique. In other films, this technique is not repeated.

Product Features

Standard PAL DVD.
Region Code DVD: 0/All
Production Kallista Film. Russia.
Release year 2003.
Direction Seminar on judo.
Duration 65 min.
Filming location Russia.
Language Russian.
Author Pavlov D. A.Jatskevich.

Judo for coach.Technique of fighting in position. From Alexander Jatskevich.NAGE WAZA.

Seminar on fighting techniques NAGE WAZA-(Moscow 2002).

1 - special training exercises;
2 - technique of combat for the grip;
3 - protection technology from the Georgian struggle (five techniques);
4 - throws with falling sutemi-waza;

5 - deceptive and counterattacking actions.

Educational material is illustrated by fragments of fights of European Championship in 2002 and the World Cup 1995.

The film was shot for coaches and athletes. There is an interesting section "protection from the Georgian struggle." There is no such a detailed analysis in any another the film. Still most athletes in the world use these options. All technique actions are personal technique of A. Yatskevich and does not intersect with other movies.

Product Features

Standard PAL DVD.
Region Code DVD: 0/All
Production Kallista Film. Russia.
Release year 2003.
Direction Seminar on judo.
Delivery Russian mail anywhere in the world.
Payment PayPal.
Duration 70 min.
Filming location Russia.
Delivery time 2-3 weeks.
Postal expenses Free of charge.
Language Russian.
Author Pavlov D.A.Jatskevich.
Gelb - Orange Gurt Träger
Gelb - Orange Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: 05.05.2015, 12:03

Re: Sambo. Judo. DVD-Filme aus Russland.

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