Imamura Haruo, 10. Dan (posth.)

Hier könnt ihr alles posten was mit Judo zu tun hat

Cichorei Kano
Braun Gurt Träger
Braun Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 257
Registriert: 01.11.2007, 18:57

Imamura Haruo, 10. Dan (posth.)

Beitrag von Cichorei Kano »

The late Imamura Haruo, who sadly passed away last September due to complications from intestinal cancer, some 8 months after his death has been posthumously promoted to jûdan.

In his younger days he was the Tenri University jûdô's team captain. I had the pleasure to study with him between 1999-2000. Apart from his extensive competitive experience, he was an expert in kime-no-kata, an exercise in which he always remained faithful to the spirit, as intended by Kanô-shihan.
3. Dan Träger
3. Dan Träger
Beiträge: 1202
Registriert: 07.04.2007, 21:44

Re: Imamura Haruo, 10. Dan (posth.)

Beitrag von caesar »

Immer wieder schade zu sehen, dass solche Ehrungen zu Lebzeiten verpasst wurden.
Welche Organisation hat diesen 10. Dan vergeben?