Mit Isao Okano
... wann lädt der DJB Herrn Okano einmal (wieder) nach Deutschland ein?
Re: Kihon
Aus Wikipedia:
Wer Okano auf diesem Video unterrichten und demonstrieren sieht, der mag kaum glauben, dass der Olympiasieger von 1964 mittlerweile 74 Jahre alt ist."Okano entered the 1964 Summer Olympics while studying at Chuo University's law school, and won the gold medal in the middleweight division. He won another gold medal at the World Judo Championships in 1965, becoming the champion of his division at only 21 years of age. He also won the open-weight class division of the All-Japan Judo Championships in 1967 and 1969, and placed second in 1968. At 80 kg, he and Shinobu Sekine remain the lightest ever competitors to win these championships.[1] Okano suddenly retired from competitive judo at only 25 years of age, and founded the Sekijuku (currently the Ryutsu Keizai University's judo team) in 1970, where he instructed future Olympic gold medalist Kazuhiro Ninomiya. He also served as a coach for the Japanese team during the 1976 Summer Olympics. He later worked as a judo instructor at Keio University from 1989 to 1998, and the University of Tokyo from 1989 to 2000. He is a retired professor and Head of the Judo Department at Ryutsu Keizai University. He has held the judo rank of 6th dan for more than 40 years. Isao Okano is the author of one of the most renown judo books ever, Vital Judo,[2] which was published in 1976. Okano is famously known for his seoinage, kouchi gari and osoto gari.[3]"
- Braun Gurt Träger
- Beiträge: 257
- Registriert: 01.11.2007, 18:57
Re: Kihon
I remember this dôjô, as I was there many years ago to study gô-no-kata and nage-waza ura-no-kata with Ochiai Toshiyasu, who was visiting from Japan. The dôjô is located in Norwalk, California near Los Angeles. Okano-sensei visited this dôjô 2 years ago to teach a seminar there on March 15, 2015, which is the same year he spent considerable time in Europe, notably, France, where several events were organized in his honor. In summer 2015 I taught together with him at the high-grade jûdô seminar organized by the French Jûdô Federation where, I believe, there were near 180 participants all minimally holding the rank of 6th dan. It was quite an event. It would have been a small effort of the DJB to liaise with the French Federation or with me or someone of the organizers and extend Okano-sensei's European journey by a week or two by a tour of Germany, in this way likely avoiding many expenses such as, for example, a plane ticket between Europe and Japan. Why this did not happen, I do not know, maybe because federations are not interested in or do not read communications from other federations, or maybe because of all kinds of political and personal territorial issues we see so often in jûdô, where some people in charge easily feel threatened in their knowledge and position they hold. I don't know but certainly it wasn't only the DJB who missed out on this opportunity, since the same could be said of other jûdô federations of surrounding or nearby countries, such as, for example, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Interestingly though, a few participants from some of these countries were present on the seminar in France, though usually high-ranked people who once played a significant role in their federation but got fed up with the jûdô politics.
As a head-sensei of jûdô at Chûô University, not so far from the Kôdôkan, he is still heavily involved and widely appreciated in jûdô, even at the Kôdôkan, where equally for political reasons he will never set foot or will be invited. It's always the same, we like to speak of high moral values and respect in jûdô, but so often those in charge in federations and organizations are or much worse morality than those who never practiced jûdô or any Asian martial art. In this way, federations are often more concerned with preserving ego's than with an honest commitment to ensure that their members get the very best and most knowledgeable teachers. Meanwhile, Kanô-shihan turns around in his grave ... again ... and again ...
As a head-sensei of jûdô at Chûô University, not so far from the Kôdôkan, he is still heavily involved and widely appreciated in jûdô, even at the Kôdôkan, where equally for political reasons he will never set foot or will be invited. It's always the same, we like to speak of high moral values and respect in jûdô, but so often those in charge in federations and organizations are or much worse morality than those who never practiced jûdô or any Asian martial art. In this way, federations are often more concerned with preserving ego's than with an honest commitment to ensure that their members get the very best and most knowledgeable teachers. Meanwhile, Kanô-shihan turns around in his grave ... again ... and again ...
Zuletzt geändert von Cichorei Kano am 02.04.2018, 06:00, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
Kihon II
Wieder mein herzliches Dankschön an Dich, für die vielen Information - die Du mit uns teilst.CK hat geschrieben:I remember this dôjô, as I was there many years ago to study gô-no-kata and nage-waza ura-no-kata with Ochiai Toshiyasu, who was visiting from Japan. The dôjô is located in Norwalk, California near Los Angeles. Okano-sensei visited this dôjô 2 years ago to teach a seminar there on March 15, 2015, which is the same year he spent considerable time in Europe, notably, France, where several events were organized in his honor.
Warum hat sich niemand bemüht diesen Jahrhundert Judoka & Mensch Isao Okano nach Deutschland einzuladen???
Dieses Treffen stelle ich mir gewaltig vor, mit einer einzigartigen Atmosphäre - der gegenseitigen Achtung.In summer 2015 I taught together with him at the high-grade jûdô seminar organized by the French Jûdô Federation where, I believe, there were near 180 participants all minimally holding the rank of 6th dan. It was quite an event.
Ich habe dafür allerdings eine sehr plausible, aber kaum schmeichelhafte Erklärung - die man aufgrund des erblühenden Tugendwahn nicht äußern darf.It would have been a small effort of the DJB to liaise with the French Federation or with me or someone of the organizers and extend Okano-sensei's European journey by a week or two by a tour of Germany, in this way likely avoiding many expenses such as, for example, a plane ticket between Europe and Japan. Why this did not happen, I do not know,
100%, dieses ist einer der zutreffenden Punkte.maybe because federations are not interested in or do not read communications from other federations, or maybe because of all kinds of political and personal territorial issues we see so often in jûdô, where some people in charge easily feel threatened in their knowledge and position they hold.
Auch hier stimme ich Dir zu.I don't know but certainly it wasn't only the DJB who missed out on this opportunity, since the same could be said of other jûdô federations of surrounding or nearby countries, such as, for example, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Interestingly though, a few participants from some of these countries were present on the seminar in France, though usually high-ranked people who once played a significant role in their federation but got fed up with the jûdô politics.
Wollen wir deutschen Fußsoldaten (die Bauern auf dem Spielfeld) Okano-san gerne in Deutschland sehen, müssen WIR ihn einladen - wir, privat und mit unserem Verein, der Infrastruktur vor Ort. Selbstverständlich müssen wir auch für sämtliche Kosten aufkommen, auch für das Honorar, die Reise, die Unterkunft, den Urlaub.
Eine Interessengemeinschaft müsste sich bilden und tätig werden, vieles müsste im Vorfeld geklärt werden - finanzierbar wäre es auf alle Fälle.
So bitter Dein Schluß auch klingen mag, es verhält sich exakt so.As a head-sensei of jûdô at Chûô University, not so far from the Kôdôkan, he is still heavily involved and widely appreciated in jûdô, even at the Kôdôkan, where equally for political reasons he will never set food or is invited. It's always the same, we like to speak of high moral values and respect in jûdô, but so often those in charge in federations and organizations are or much worse morality than those who never practiced jûdô or any Asian martial art. In this way, federations are often more concerned with preserving ego's than with an honest commitment to ensure that their members get the very best and most knowledgeable teachers. Meanwhile, Kaô-shihan turns around in his grave ... again ... and again ...
Traurig, unendlich traurig.
Ich bin erst sehr spät in meinem Judoleben auf Okano-san aufmerksam geworden, es war wahrscheinlich im Jahr 1991 - selbst schuld könnte man meinen. Ich war sofort begeistert und stürzte mich sprichwörtlich auf VITAL JUDO, es war so schön. Noch ein weiteres Jahrzehnt musste voranschreiten, bis ich über einen netten alten Holländer auf Tokio Hirano aufmerksam wurde ... bitter!
Erstmalig stellte ich mir u.a. die Frage warum ich in den 1980er Jahren nichts über diese Judoka wusste - peng, landeten wir (im Verband) doch zwischenzeitlich wieder beim Judo nach Adams & auch Katanishi (einige Helden, meine Freunde, sehen heute noch aus wie Abziehbilder von eben' den letztgenannten Sportlern).
Insbesondere wir Kinder (nicht nur des Nordens) / Jugendliche / Volljährige, hätten jedes Jahr die Möglichkeit gehabt, Hirano-san kennenzulernen, bis zu seinem Tod.
heute könnte ich auf eigene Faust reisen - doch ich bin gefangen, gefangen im Netz, engmaschig geknüpft .