hat jemand ´nen Tip, wo und welche Bücher es gibt zum Thema Kodokan Kidokai Judo bzw. über Judo Inyo Ryu?
Danke schonmal vorab!
Suche Bücher über Kodokan Kidokai Judo
Re: Suche Bücher über Kodokan Kidokai Judo
Bücher gibt es meines Wissen nichts, aber wer an DVDs interessiert ist, kann mir gerne eine PN schicken.
Herzliche Grüße,
Since the establishment of Kôdôkan jûdô, jûdô has become something that should be studied not only as a method of self-defence but also as a way of training the body and cultivating the mind. (Jigorô Kanô: MIND OVER MUSCLE)
Since the establishment of Kôdôkan jûdô, jûdô has become something that should be studied not only as a method of self-defence but also as a way of training the body and cultivating the mind. (Jigorô Kanô: MIND OVER MUSCLE)