Sport oder Politik?

Hier geht es um Fragen zur Vereinsarbeit, Verbänden und Organisationen
2. Dan Träger
2. Dan Träger
Beiträge: 545
Registriert: 02.10.2013, 10:59

Re: Sport oder Politik?

Beitrag von nur_wazaari »

Vielen Dank, Cichorei Kano. Von außen und durch den Bildschirm sieht zumindest die erste Aktion (gegen RUS) gar nicht so schlecht geschauspielert aus, die zweite (gegen BEL) schon eher...

Wie dem auch sei, der Kämpfer -81 kg steht momentan noch in der Liste für die WM, scheint also über die Waage gegangen zu sein.
3. Dan Träger
3. Dan Träger
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Registriert: 28.12.2006, 12:55
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Re: Sport oder Politik?

Beitrag von Hofi »

Nachdem wir es im Training schon hatten, dass man bei einer Bodenaktion von außen eigentlich gar nichts gesehen hat und sich das dann als ein oder gar zwei gebrochene Rippen herausgestellt hat, bin ich inzwischen sehr vorsichtig mit der Frage Schauspielerei. Und erst vor kurzem hatten wir es, dass sich ein Gegner den Ellenbogen ausgerenkt hat, wo alle dachten, er hätte sich mit dem Arm abgestützt und erst im Video in Zeitlupe hat man gesehen, dass der Arm bereits in der Eindrehbewegung des Gegners sich verabschiedet hat.
Angesichts der politischen Probleme Israel/Iran ist es sicher möglich, dass hier Verletzungen vorgetäuscht wurden. Aber so unbedingt eindeutig ist es schwierig von außen zu beurteilen.
Wer die Wahrheit sagt, braucht ein verdammt schnelles Pferd.

Heimat ist dort, wo man von der Dorfbevölkerung, die einen duzt, gelyncht wird.
Cichorei Kano
Braun Gurt Träger
Braun Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 257
Registriert: 01.11.2007, 18:57

Re: Sport oder Politik?

Beitrag von Cichorei Kano »

Orange Gurt Träger
Orange Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 35
Registriert: 04.06.2019, 16:27

Re: Sport oder Politik?

Beitrag von luxuslurch »

Cichorei Kano hat geschrieben: 30.08.2019, 02:52 Another scandal in the making ?
Das ist weniger ein Skandal, weil jeder weiß, dass iranische Sicherheitsbehörden Einfluss auf die Sportler nehmen. Sonst gäbe es ja die ganzen Initiativen hin zu höchst offiziellen Anschreiben nicht. Traurig und unschön, aber kein Skandal.

Was haltet ihr eigentlich von dem Versagen des Handschlags Abdelaal vs. Muki? Selbst das ägyptische Innenministerium scheint da weiter zu sein: ... -1.7767140
Cichorei Kano
Braun Gurt Träger
Braun Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 257
Registriert: 01.11.2007, 18:57

Re: Sport oder Politik?

Beitrag von Cichorei Kano »

It's bigger this time as current developments will show, with the athlete now seeking asylum in your country (Germany), sanctions and possible expulsion of Iran, etc. Just wait and see ... it'll be almost as interesting as the world championships themselves ...
2. Dan Träger
2. Dan Träger
Beiträge: 545
Registriert: 02.10.2013, 10:59

Re: Sport oder Politik?

Beitrag von nur_wazaari » ... d_Mollaei]
Saeid Mollaei (IRI) and Sagi Muki (ISR) were supposed to be the picture to mark history: Iran and Israel competing against each other and being present on the same podium at the World Judo Championships in Tokyo. For years, Iranian athletes have been prohibited from competing in any sport against Israel. From questionable injuries, to throwing matches, Iranian athletes across all sports have been ordered to crush their own dreams.

For the first time in modern history, all conditions were gathered for sport to triumph over politics. On May 9, 2019, the International Judo Federation received on official letter from the National Olympic Committee of Iran stating: “... we would like to confirm that the I.R. Iran NOC shall fully respect the Olympic Charter and its non-discrimination principle and the I.R. Iran Judo Federation shall fully comply with the Olympic Charter and the IJF Statutes..."

Moreover, we also had athletes, and especially World Champion, Saeid Mollaei (IRI), who was ready to face any opponent to defend his title.


It’s Wednesday, the 28th of August at the Judo World Championships in Tokyo. After the first rounds of the competition, everything seemed to go well for Mollaei who was going through the preliminaries with ease. From a spectator point of view, he definitely looked in the position to defend his title. Sport being sport and nothing being written in advance, Mollaei faced in the semifinal, Belgium Matthias Casse, who defeated the Iranian after a long and stressful match in golden score. On the other side of the draw, Sagi Muki (ISR) had the perfect day. At the end of the competition, Mollaei lost his bronze medal match finishing 5th place, while MUKI won the world title. Nothing to say, a normal day in the office.

Under pressure

But beyond the spectators point of view, what people saw and the final results of the category, things did not happen the way they looked like. This is the true story of the drama that took place backstage of the Nippon Budokan. This is the story of how Mollaei fought for his life, due the pressure from his country's authorities.

As said before, both Mollaei and Muki debut the day effectively, eliminating all their adversaries by ippon. The increasing potential probability of a final between the two champions was getting higher after the third round.

The drama of this extraordinary true story began at 15.30, Japan’s time. Mollaeis’ next fight was against the Olympic champion, Russian Khasan Khalmurzaev. A few minutes prior to the contest, the Iranian coach received a call from his country. On the other side of the line, the Iranian first deputy minister of sport, Davar Zani, gave him the order to withdraw Mollaei from the competition to avoid a potential contest between Iran and Israel. A demand accompanied by a double threat against Mollaei and his family.

Mollaei literally collapsed, and burst into tears. The emotion was heartbreaking for those backstage who witnessed this.

Lisa Allan, IJF competition manager was approached by the coach from Tajikistan, Vahid Sarla informing her that Mollaei needs her help. Accompanied by IJF General Secretary Mr Jean-Luc Rouge, IJF EC member Mr Gerard Benone and her assistant Abdullo Muradov they went to him immediately and took action in a professional manner.

Abdullo said: “I spent the day with him. I escorted him everywhere. Helped him with translation. I saw the fear in his eyes, the terror of having to face the consequences of a situation that was beyond his control. He was totally helpless. It's terrible to witness this. These are situations that should not happen for any athlete or for anyone.”

The Champion asked to meet IJF President, Marius Vizer, who immediately welcomed him in his office. After hearing what had occurred, Mr. Vizer assured him of his full support regardless of his choice.

Mr. Vizer explained to him, that he had to make the most important decision of his life. Obey and return to his country or risk everything and fight for freedom and dignity. His Judo values showed him the way. He made his choice and rushed directly to the tatami to face the Olympic Champion.

The emotional stress created by this extraordinary situation was surely not the best way to prepare a contest, especially against an Olympic Gold Medalist. Mollaei proved to be a stratospheric champion by eliminating the Russian, and also winning his next contest against the Canadian Antoine Valois-Fortier, Olympic bronze medalist in the quarterfinals.

Despite early declarations by some media that he withdrew due to head injury, the Iranian continued to compete, reaching the semi-final against Matthias Casse with hope to enter the final. For the Iranian authorities, Mollaei had already gone too far. Having received several calls all day to pressure him, there was already no turning back and he knew that he couldn't go home. Moreover, a delegation from the Iranian Embassy came to the venue. One delegate illegally, by means of the Iranian coaches accreditation, trespassed into the athlete warm up area to approach him with messages of intimidation.

Just prior to the semi-final, Mollaei’s coach received another phone call, this time from the Iranian Olympic Committee President, Reza Salehi Amiri. He put the phone on speaker and video, so the World Champion could follow the conversation.

Powerplay by NOC

The NOC President explained that National Security were at his parent’s house. Mollaei’s friends from Iran also texted him that people came to his house and asked his father to tell his son to follow the law or he would have problems.

The fear, the emotional heights that the Iranian reached at that precise moment, and the time that had passed since the preliminaries, put him in an incredible state of stress. Escorted everywhere by IJF and local organizing staff, his belongings and passport being secured, he went on the mat for his semifinal but revealed after the competition, that he couldn’t compete at his normal level.

In an exclusive interview given by Saeid Mollaei to the IJF media he declared: “I could have been the world champion. I’ve been training hard, making lots of efforts. Today, I fought and won against an Olympic champion, an Olympics bronze-medalist and other opponents. I beat all of them. I even dreamed of the championship title today. But that was not my fate: I could not compete because of the law in my country, and because I was scared of consequences for my family and myself.”

Mollaei explained: “Today, the National Olympic Committee of Iran and the Sport Minister told me to not compete, that I had to comply with the law. I am a fighter. I want to compete wherever I can. I live in a country whose law does not permit me to. We have no choice, all athletes must comply with it. All I did today was for my life, for a new life.”

“I thank Mr. President Vizer from the bottom of my heart. He told me he would guarantee and help me to go to the Olympics. So that my dream will come true and I can become an Olympic champion. I need help. Even if the authorities of my country told me that I can go back without any problems, I am afraid. I am afraid of what might happen to my family and to myself."

The role of President Vizer

“President Vizer guaranteed that I can continue to compete. I am an athlete, not a politician nor been ever involved in politics. I want to comply with the Olympic Charter.“ Saeid Mollaei concluded: "I was lost and afraid.“

Today he cannot return to his country and awaits a life of exile and uncertainty regarding the future of his family. All he wanted was to be a judoka and become a champion, to represent his country with pride in international competitions, face the best and give his best, like everyone else and play fair. Mollaei lost a competition in Tokyo but he chose judo and won the contest of his life, by Ippon.

Saeid Mollaei is currently under risk and the IJF is looking forward to finding the best solution to allow a champion to continue to do what he does best: to compete no matter what and without any kind of discrimination.

His fight for life has just started. He won’t be alone, the whole judo family will stand next to him.

President Vizer said “The IJF is never in favor or against any country, we are here to defend the integrity of the sport and the sport values for the promotion of sport as a driver of friendship, unity and peace in the world. The Olympic Charter is the supreme value in the sport and we are here to protect it.” ... mpionships
Saeid Mollaei was threated in advance of the World Championships. “I am ready to fight for Israel at all time, but my political situation forces that I am in danger. Politics kill me if I fight Israel. Before the World Championships they told me not to fight against, maybe even not fight at all and they would threaten not me but my family.”

The IJF will give Saeid Mollaei the opportunity to fight under a refugee flag at Tokyo 2020, Marius Vizer said after revealing that the 2018 World Champion had requested asylum in Germany. Iranian judoka Saeid Mollaei, was under big pressure and was ordered to deliberately lose his semi-final and actually not even start the world championships.

Mollaei could compete under a different flag at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the IJF said Sunday.

IJF President Marius Vizer has thrown his support behind former world champion Mollaei, who said he had been instructed by Iranian authorities to throw a match in Tokyo last week to avoid facing Israeli Sagi Muki. "It is our mission to protect our athletes -- that's clear," Vizer told to French agency AFP.

Mollaei fled to Berlin where he was thought to be seeking asylum, but the 27-year-old Teheran native denied that claim later Sunday, adding he hoped to compete in IOC colors next summer.

To JudoInside he already stated in advance of the draw he was in danger. After Mohammad Mohamadi was already instructed to stay home and not to compete to the worlds, Mollaei was also forbidden to take part, but was still a part at the draw. He started the event with success on Wednesday at the fourth day of the Championships, but was ordered to stop fighting as he could be facing Sagi Muki of Israel.

"I've had a German visa and I'm in Germany to stay away from the rumors," Mollaei told the London-based Persian language channel Iran International.

"God forbid something would happen to my family. But I serve my country and whatever medal I get belongs to Iran, whether it's under the Iran or IOC flag," he added.

"I feel sorry that maybe I won't be able to compete for Iran again. But I didn't train this hard just to put up this show of losing."

The IJF will issue a statement on Monday, Vizer confirmed, insisting: "First of all we will do everything to support the athlete so he can continue his career and participate in the Olympic Games."

Vizer added that an emergency meeting would be convened to investigate whether Mollaei and his family had been the victim of political coercion or threats and subsequently to decide whether to punish the Iranian judo federation.

Israeli judo chief Moshe Ponti told that Mollaei "intended to continue the contest, even if he had to face Sagi Muki. From what we understand... Iranian intelligence officials came both to his home in Iran and to the judo arena and warned him."
3. Dan Träger
3. Dan Träger
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Registriert: 18.10.2016, 10:31

Sport, Politik oder Theateraufführung(en) ?

Beitrag von HBt. »

Cichorei Kano hat geschrieben: 02.09.2019, 02:36 (...) Just wait and see ... it'll be almost as interesting as the world championships themselves ...
Es existieren bestimmt noch anspruchsvollere Inszenierungen, irgendwo auf diesem habitablen Planeten(?).

Das/ mein Interesse sinkt in unendliche Tiefen.
1. Dan Träger
1. Dan Träger
Beiträge: 303
Registriert: 02.08.2005, 15:22
Bundesland: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Verein: Post SV Düsseldorf

Re: Sport oder Politik?

Beitrag von LenDa »

Hi zusammen,

das kam gerade bei Focus... ... 94329.html
Judo beim Post SV Düsseldorf
Orange Gurt Träger
Orange Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 35
Registriert: 04.06.2019, 16:27

Re: Sport oder Politik?

Beitrag von luxuslurch »

IJF informiert ganz explizit und in aller Ausführlichkeit darüber: ... t-for-life

Ich bin offen gesagt erstaunt, wie sehr ein Verband, der gerne Politik und Sport trennen möchte, hier in aller Deutlichkeit Stellung bezieht. Vermutlich fühlt sich Vizer von der Aussage des iranischen Judoverbandes und des dortigen olympischen Komitees verarscht, die erst im Mai die volle Einhaltung der olympischen Werte versprochen hatten. Ich finde, die Stellungnahme der IJF verdient Respekt.

Natürlich handelte es sich aber um ein Versprechen, dass der iranische Verband nicht halten konnten. Die Revolutionsgarden haben etwas mehr Einfluss im Apparat als der Judoverband...
Beiträge: 3895
Registriert: 08.08.2008, 10:41

Re: Sport oder Politik?

Beitrag von tutor! » ... udo-career

Der iranische Verbandspräsident war selbst Opfer dieser Politik. Vizer erzeugt hier max. politischen Druck, um
den Verband zu stützen.
I founded a new system for physical culture and mental training as well as for winning contests. I called this "Kodokan Judo",(J. Kano 1898)
Techniques are only the words of the language judo (Cichorei Kano, 24.12.2008)
Orange Gurt Träger
Orange Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 35
Registriert: 04.06.2019, 16:27

Re: Sport oder Politik?

Beitrag von luxuslurch »

Sehe ich genauso. Es ist ja nicht "der Iran an sich", der so ein Theater gerne hätte - und erst recht nicht der iranische Judoverband. Es sind die Hampelmänner im Wächterrat etc.
1. Dan Träger
1. Dan Träger
Beiträge: 303
Registriert: 02.08.2005, 15:22
Bundesland: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Verein: Post SV Düsseldorf

Re: Sport oder Politik?

Beitrag von LenDa »

und im Spiegel wird auch berichtet: ... 86490.html

Judo beim Post SV Düsseldorf
Orange Gurt Träger
Orange Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 35
Registriert: 04.06.2019, 16:27

Re: Sport oder Politik?

Beitrag von luxuslurch »

Jo, und jetzt wird der iranische Judoverband erstmal suspendiert. Wer nicht nach den Regeln spielen kann (darf), der hat leider Pech.

Quelle: ... -suspended
2. Dan Träger
2. Dan Träger
Beiträge: 545
Registriert: 02.10.2013, 10:59

Reaktion des iranischen Verbandes

Beitrag von nur_wazaari » ... index.html
Iran Judo Federation calls suspension 'unfair' after being banned for ordering fighter to withdraw

The Iran Judo Federation called it's suspension from international competition "unfair" after it was banned from all competitions for trying to make judoka Saeid Mollaei withdraw from the World Judo Championships.
Iran's Mollaei says his coach received two calls from Iranian authorities ordering his fighter to pull out of the Tokyo tournament to avoid the possibility of meeting Israeli judoka Sagi Muki in the final.
The 27-year-old ignored those warnings and after losing in the semifinals of the competition -- a result he says was affected by the emotional stress caused by the Iran officials request -- travelled to Germany to begin the process of applying for asylum.

Mollaei said he feared for his safety and that of his family back home, but Salehi Amiri, the president of Iran's Olympic Committee, said the fighter and his family "will not and have not faced any threats or danger."
But according to the head of Iran's judo federation Arash Miresmaeili, this suspension was pre-meditated.
"I believe that suspending Iran's judo was a pre-planned scenario and unfortunately one of our athletes got involved and intensified the problem," Miresmaeili told news agency IRNA Wednesday.
Miresmaeili also added that Iran will "diplomatically follow up" on the issue and hopes to win this "unequal war".
According to the International Judo Federation (IJF), Iranian judo's governing body was in breach of multiple codes, including the Olympic Charter.
Iranian athletes have for a long time been prohibited from competing in any sport against Israel.
Saeid Mollaei: Iran says judoka was never in 'danger' at home
Saeid Mollaei: Iran says judoka was never in 'danger' at home
It's not the first time Iran has breached IJF statutes. During the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, the now president of the Iran Judo Federation, Arash Mireshmaeli, was instructed to withdraw from competing to avoid a potential contest against an Israeli athlete.
The IJF Disciplinary Commission ruled that because of the repeated actions of the Iran federation, it has "strong reason to believe that the Iran Judo Federation will continue or repeatedly engage in misconduct or commit any other offence against the legitimate interests, principles or objectives of the IJF."
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The "protective suspension" will begin on September 18 and will encompass all "competitions, administrative and social activities organized or authorized by International Judo Federation and its unions."
The decision is subject to appeal with the Court of Arbitration for Sport and the Iran Judo Federation has 21 days to appeal against the decision.
Orange Gurt Träger
Orange Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 35
Registriert: 04.06.2019, 16:27

Re: Sport oder Politik?

Beitrag von luxuslurch »

Es ist unfair den Sportlern gegenüber, die jetzt nicht mehr kämpfen dürfen. Aber der Verband hatte erst noch im Frühjahr explizit betont, die IOC- und IJF-Regeln von nun an einzuhalten. Hätte man den Bruch dieser Vereinbarungen wieder durchgehen lassen, wäre der pädagogische Aspekt wohl perdu.
2. Dan Träger
2. Dan Träger
Beiträge: 545
Registriert: 02.10.2013, 10:59

Und er behält wohl seine WRL-Punkte.

Beitrag von nur_wazaari »

Yep. So siehts aus. ... n_passport

Für ihn eine gute Sache, man kann ihm das kaum nicht gönnen. Dogmatisch gesehen kann man aber durchaus ins Grübeln kommen...
Orange Gurt Träger
Orange Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 35
Registriert: 04.06.2019, 16:27

Re: Sport oder Politik?

Beitrag von luxuslurch »

nur_wazaari hat geschrieben: 03.12.2019, 10:17 Für ihn eine gute Sache, man kann ihm das kaum nicht gönnen. Dogmatisch gesehen kann man aber durchaus ins Grübeln kommen...
Es ist nicht nur für ihn eine gute Sache, sondern für den Sport an sich. Ein Weltklasse-Judoka weniger macht das ganze auch deutlich langweiliger.
2. Dan Träger
2. Dan Träger
Beiträge: 545
Registriert: 02.10.2013, 10:59

And the winner is,,,?

Beitrag von nur_wazaari » ... an_by_WADA

Ein Mini-Mini-Mini-Essay

Klar, die russischen Sport-Entscheider haben besch..... und das mehrfach, vorsätzlich und mit unfassbarer Chupze. Mit Sicherheit betrügen auch andere Länder; vielleicht will man das ganze Ausmaß gar nicht kennen. Offensichtlich treten bei Olympia nicht nur unterschiedliche Nationen und "Flaggenlose" angeblich nach olympischem "Geist" miteinander anstatt gegeneinander an, sondern auch völlig verschiedene Mentalitäten die Fairness und Regeltreue betreffend. Dennoch; man hat sich auf eine Sportveranstaltung bzw. eine Sportorganisation geeinigt, bei denen ziemlich genau festgelegt ist was erlaubt sein soll und was nicht. Nicht nur die Russen, diese höchstens besonders ungeschickt (Taktik können die offenbar, Strategie hingegen nicht so gut), auch andere Nationen, Menschen, Sportlerinnen und Sportler sind betroffen und werden es auch während bzw. nach der Veranstaltung wieder sein. Die Beschwörungen olympischer Gedankengänge, die in der heutigen Zeit ins Leere zu führen scheinen, sie sind ein ganzes Stück wertverkommender geworden. Der Leistungssport in seiner höchstdotierten Werbeveranstaltung (Ausnahme Fußball, mithin ein paar andere Sportarten) eignet sich nur noch zu politischen und ökonomischen Zwecken - Völker, nicht einmal einzelne Menschen bringt er wohl dabei zusammen, eher gegeneinander auf. Heldentum produziert er nicht durch erbrachte Leistungen, sondern das was zum Heldentum aus strategischen Zwecken erklärt wird. Wer nicht ganz besonders außergewöhnlich und wiederholt seine Leistungen bringt, d.h. eine einsame Ausnahme darstellt oder trotz herausragender Leistung durch bestimmte Persönlichkeitsmerkmale nicht zur Vermarktung und Verwendung unterhaltungsindustrieller Art taugt, wird nicht nur vergessen sondern gelegentlich auch sogar vertrieben. Immerhin werden während der Veranstaltung doch noch vereinzelt Begegnungen nationaler und internationaler Art möglich sein - sofern sie nicht vom goldenen Ehrgeiz rein egoistisch motivierter Leistungsträger oder politischer Funktionäre (Funktionärinnen gibt es auffälligerweise im Übrigen kaum) verhindert werden. Insgesamt bleibt nur stehen, dass wenn die Regeln missachtet, untergraben, umgangen und feinst geunzt ausgelegt werden, es darauf ankommt, wer die Nationenwertung gewinnt und nicht internationale, sondern inländische politische Interessen für die Entsendung und geforderten Erfolge maßgeblich werden - dann stellt sich die Frage, ob der olympische "Geist" sich nicht längst wieder einen Weg in die Flasche zurück gesucht hat, aus der man versucht, ihn zu Marketingzwecken verzweifelt herauszureiben. Olympia 2020 liegt direkt vor uns. Man kann und wird wohl den Eindruck gewinnen müssen, dass zumindest im Vorfeld nicht die Ergebnisse und Leistungen es sein werden, die den Großteil an Presseaufkommen ausmachen werden.