Katame no kata was compiled between 1884 to 1887, and was largely influenced by Tenshin Shin-yo-ryu jujutsu.
Kano (MoM, p.30):
So ca. um 1887 gewannen wir alle Meetings mit unseren Wurftechniken, doch die anderen Schulen waren alle besser in den Griff & Kontrolltechniken, also beschlossen wir uns in den Haltetechniken zu verbessern.
(frei nacherzählt)
I must point out, though, that as we progress in katamewazain the Kodokan, our progress in nagewaza was interrupted. There is a limit to one's energy, and when energy is expended in one area, other areas become neglected - this is unavoidable.
Kano (Syd Hoare, a history of judo, p.61)
... he first created Nage no kata about 1884-86. Kano said about this: I began by creating the Nage no kata witch at first consisted of ten techniques then fifteen which it still is.
weiter lesen wir: the second Kata that was created was Katame no kata. Representative techniques were chosen from osaekomi ... shime ... and kansetsu-waza to illustrate the principles of groundwork. To start with the Kata consisted of ten techniques in total. This was later increased to fifteen in 1906.
Brian N. Watson in Judo Memoirs of Jigoro Kano, p.79 & 80:
In 1906,
when I was finalizing the compilation of Katame no kata and Kime no kata,
I received advice and co-operation from a number of jujustu masters. They were all members of the Dai Nippon Butokukai, ...
the general consensus was that only one set of Judo katas be standardized by the Dai Nippon Butokukai. After discussions ..., I devised judo katas that were based on jujutsu artistry. Theses judo katas were, upon the aproval of a committee of jujutsu masters, finally sanctioned by the Butokukai for use nationwide.
My original Katame no Kata was conceived for the Butokukai and it contained ten techniques, but I later added five more and this revised version eventually gained ... I also considered Katame no Kata a suitable practice for Kodokan students. Since Nage no kata was passed by the Butokukai committee without any recommendations for changes, it is today in all respects the original Kodokan Nage no Kata.
Ist Kano Jigoro nun der MACHER der Katame no kata oder ist er es nicht? Hatte er Hilfe, hat er sich die Katame no kata basteln lassen, als Auftragsarbeit ???
Im Grunde genommen existierten alle Kata schon vor 1887++.
Das sie bearbeitet und besprochen werden, ist ganz klar. Will ich etwas unterrichten (auch kulturell erhalten), dann muss unweigerlich beschlossen und besprochen werden ... das ist heute so und das war auch 1900++ so.
Zum Findungsprozess (der Auswahl) existiert also wahrscheinlich keine Primärquelle - auch nicht in den berühmten und geheimnisumwitterten Tagebüchern unseres Shihan (?) !
CK hat geschrieben:Katame-no-kata likely was not created by Kanô himself contrary to what is commonly claimed.
Diese Aussage macht die ganze Angelegenheit nur noch spannender

Das Kano irgendetwas ganz alleine gemacht hat (oder hätte), habe ich noch nie geglaubt. Wer macht das schon?