As you get older, your muscles weaken,
and you can no longer lift and pull.
In the end there‘s a limit to physical strength, no matter how you build it up.
That‘s why Ueshiba Sensei says that,
unlimited strength comes from breath power.
In effect, it is based on natural principles.
If the other person comes powerfully against you,
and you respond by simply taking his power into yourself,
there is no need for any effort.
The basics are only a guiding principle.
Your strongest posture is the one that fits your constitution.
That cannot be taught to you,
you have to find it yourself.
It is not a question of widening your stance or narrowing it,
if the truth be told.
But, people will do what is comfortable for them,
so if you allow them to, they will just make it up for themselves.
That is why, you must always return to the basics,
this is what is important.
you may think „how should this technique be done,“ „how should that technique be done,“
but the thing to remember is, although there are many techniques,
you must grasp the principles that underlie them.
It comes down to shifting your balance quickly,
moving your hands, feet, and hips as one.
The basis of it is shiho-nage.
As Ueshiba sensei said, „to throw to the four directions, this is the essence of aikido.
Therefore, shiho-nage on its own, if performed correctly, is sufficient.“
This is what he taught.
„If you say that person‘s technique is fast... that person is slow,“
you are only seeing the form of the people. You must scrap such thoughts.
In blending with the person‘s energy (timing),
at the moment when you are really together with that person,
both fast and slow are gone.
This is what Ueshiba sensei called „becoming one with nature.“
It is said that aikido is the way of harmony.
I think it is simple to explain this saying.
If you face someone, and you can make that person‘s animosity disappear,
by your own true character,
this is the harmony of becoming one. This is not a compromise.
Harmony is a matter of having strength yourself, and then making the other your ally.
He becomes your partner. This is „making harmony in opposition.“
But, unless you accumulate virtue, it is impossible.
To sum up, the foundation is your own inner strength.
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