Neue Kata V: "Kaeshi waza no Kata" (Form der Konter-Techniken)

Nage-no-Kata, Katame-no-Kata, Gonosen-no-Kata und verwandte Kata
Orange Grün Gurt Träger
Orange Grün Gurt Träger
Beiträge: 46
Registriert: 15.10.2019, 12:01

Neue Kata V: "Kaeshi waza no Kata" (Form der Konter-Techniken)

Beitrag von Fleischlaberl »

Kaeshi waza no Kata

Kata (form) is a prearra
nged set of techniques to teach, learn and practice the techniques and principles of Judo and to blend/harmonize (ri ai) them by practicing.

Learning how to defend and to counter is a very important part of Randori/Shiai and elegant, smart and smooth, demonstrating the principles of "Ju no Ri" (principle of the soft/flexible/yielding", Awareness (Heijo Shin) and "Seiryoku zenyo" (best use of Energy, minimum effort - maximum efficiency) in a best way.

Principles of Defence and Counters

- posture
- (breaking grips)
- blocking
- evading
- redirecting

As attacking throwing attempts I take the most common throws in randori/competition (also to close the gap between Kata and Shai and Morote gari for Randori) and I am starting in each set with "blocking", followed by "evading" and then "redirecting", because that is also a progress from "easy" to "medium" to "difficult".

Techniques of the "Defence and Counter Kata"

9 techniques, 3 Hand, 3 Hip, 3 Feet techniques

Counters to Hand Techniques


Morote gari countered by sprawling and Sumi gaeshi


Tai otoshi c. by Ko soto gake


Seoi Nage to Yoko wakare

Counters to Hip Techniques


O goshi c. by Utsuri goshi


Uchi mata c. by Uchi mata sukashi


Koshi guruma to Yoko guruma

Counters to Leg/feet techniques:


O soto gari c. by O soto gari (gaeshi)


O uchi gari c. by Tai otoshi


Ko soto gari to Uchi mata